Monday, September 13, 2010

What is CSS?

CSS is Cascading Style Sheet which is used with HTML inorder to decrease the designing time required to develop a website.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What is HTML Markup?

HTML is a set of logical codes(markup) in parentheses that constitute the appearance of a web document and the information it contains.
 <B> This text would appear bold in the document</B>

The codes are enclosed by less than “<” or greater than “>” brackets .These bracketed codes of the markup are referred to as tags.HTML codes are always enclosed between these tags and are not case sensitive

Most elements have an opening tag and closing tag distinguished by the “/” inside


The first word or character that appears inside the “>” bracket of the opening tag are called element

E.g <Font>


Words that follow the element and are contained inside the “>” bracket of the opening tag are called attributes. Attributes are another way of describing the elements properties. Attributes that appear to the right of the element are separated by a space, and followed by an equal sign. The value of the attribute is contained in quotes

Eg. <Font (ELEMENT) color (ATTRIBUTE) = “BLUE”(VALUE)>

Most HTML elements have more than one attribute.

E.g.<FONT COLOR= “BLUE” SIZE = “+1”>. The text would be blue and one size larger than normal</FONT>

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Difference between a markup language and programming language ?

Difference between a markup language and programming language ?

Markup Language:

A language designed to format text. It does the transition of raw text into structured documents by using markup tags into the raw text. The text given inside the tags are structured by the browsers depending on the markup. Programming languages are compiled. But in markup language is just interpreted by the browser.

Few Markup Languages are HTML.XML,XHTML and MML

Programming language:

It is an set of instructions to the computer to perform. It is coded, compiled and interpreted before it gets executed. Some languages require compiler and some others require interpreter and the rest requires both. The source code converted into machine readable form and then executed. The computer hardware is responsible to execute an programming language and browser is needed for an markup language.

Few Programming Languages are JAVA,C++,COBOL,C++ and VB

Languages used to create website

Languages used to create website

There are several languages available to develop a website. Depending on the type of the website you require you can mix up the languages or you can embed one into another. Here I am listing few languages which would be efficient in designing website

1) HyperTextMarkUpLanguage(HTML)


3) Hypertext Preprocessor(PHP)

4) Asynchronous JavaScript and XML(AJAX)

5) Java Server Page(JSP)

For each language find brief description below


HyperTextMarkUp Language is a set of mark up tags which does the transition of raw text into structured documents. HTML embeds scripting languages and thus very useful to develop a website


JavaScript is used to design interactive sites. JavaScript can be quickly added to a pure HTML page to provide dynamic features, such as automatically calculating the current date or activating an action.


PHP allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases. In an HTML document, PHP script is enclosed within special PHP tags. Strength of PHP lies in its compatibility with many types of databases.


Ajax is a group of interrelated web development techniques used on the client-side to create interactive web applications. Using Ajax, web applications retrieve data from the server asynchronously in the background without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page


JSP pages are useful for building dynamic Web sites and accessing database information on a Web server.An extension to the Java servlet technology that allows HTML to be combined with Java on the same page. The Java provides the processing, and the HTML provides the layout on the Web page.